Something’s Wrong With This Picture

It’s a pretty remarkable picture. A car’s tush hanging seven stories above the streets of Tulsa, OK. Debris litters the ground.

Something’s not right!

News 8 has played the video connected with the photo above for the last day. It’s a pretty remarkable picture. A car’s tush hanging seven stories above the streets of Tulsa, OK. Debris litters the ground.

Something’s not right!

Someone drove a Mercedes through a brick wall and the tail lights are intact? OK–it’s probably not ‘really’ brick, but still. The rear looks undamaged. There is a small crease on the side of the car, but that’s it.

In the real world if you breath on a car the wrong way it’s damaged. Parked at the mall lately? Cars are made to crumple yet this one did not.

The story has been widely reported. It’s not like the TV station screwed up, but something’s just not right with this picture!

One thought on “Something’s Wrong With This Picture”

  1. Isn’t it CLEAR what happened? Over the course of a year, a construction firm accidentally built a large brick and concrete structure around a Mercedes.

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