State Of The Geoff Report

I was unemployed for a while. Possibly you heard?

Here we are at the conclusion of 2011. It’s been a pretty momentous year for me. It ended well. I’d rather not repeat it.

I was unemployed for a while. Possibly you heard?

To say my blog traffic responded is an understatement! 301,208 of you visited 688,809 times viewing 1,187,555 pages in 2011.

I got another job. I’m working in Hartford now for people who like me. The feeling is mutual.

I am a middle aged example of the power of social media. Debra Masulli Ducoff, a total stranger to me, started a support page on my behalf. It caught fire!

Between comments on this blog, Twitter and especially Facebook you established my worth in the market. Even if I live a million years I will never be able to properly express my gratitude to all of you.

Few people get to be eulogized while still alive, but that’s what happened to me. You made the most difficult part of my life bearable.

My significant 2011 takeaway was learning I am a significant piece of your life. I heard hundreds, maybe thousands, of individual stories where our paths crossed. It astounded me to learn how many of you vividly remember those moments.

Like I said, no repeats please. Still, 2011 sure ended a whole lot differently than it began… and that doesn’t even include the weather.

34 thoughts on “State Of The Geoff Report”

  1. So happy it all worked out for you and ALL of us!!! In this fast paced world of ours, its nice to sit down at the end of a long day and see a face that always has a smile and tells us what we can look forward to!(so far, no snow!!! lol) You will always be a part of our family Geoff! Here’s to 2012 from our home to yours. Give Doppler a pat on the head and tell Helaine we wish her and your family the Happiest of New Years’…Carol

  2. I’ve watched you for many years but I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you through reading your blog. You’re a pretty cool person and I’m glad everything worked out well for you.

  3. The internet and social media sure has changed the landscape when it comes to making our voices heard, from good causes, political petitions to Geoff Fox. When it comes to our favorite ‘weather guy’ I’m glad someone was listening. Happy New Year!

  4. I am so glad things worked out well for you – and for those of us who appreciated your work on the other channel. I am so impressed with the way you handled the whole mess – you’re a class act. I hope Fox CT realizes how many new fans they’ve acquired in the past 8 months!

  5. I’m glad you found a place that treats you well. Although I was a committed WTNH viewer, I have followed you over to Fox61 and its a much nicer station all together.

    I wish you and your family a wonderful, prosperous New Year.

  6. Geoff,

    Happy New Year to you and yours. May 2012 bring you the fulfillment of dreams, and the happiness that they bring. Thanks for doing what you do to help your fellow man and or dog.
    Keep making people smile, that’s the best thing that anyone can do. Again, Happy New Year.

  7. So glad that all’s well that ends well as a famous author once penned. Did not miss many of your daily blogs in 2011. I’ve enjoyed your wit and have appreciated or at the very least respected your points of view on many subjects. You have remained humbled and grateful to those of us who, beside your family and close friends stayed by your side through a tumultuous beginning of 2011. Personally I commend you for that. I want to thank you for glimpses into your private life and bringing your on screen personality to a personal level for us all. AND for sharing photos of Doppler!
    Doppler makes me smile.

  8. Glad to see you where you’re appreciated, and we can still appreciate what you do! And congratulations on Doppler! Can’t wait to see what pictures await in 2012!

  9. I am so happy you are with FoxCT. My spies there tell me they are crazy about you, as they should be! We were all worried you were going to move to California and leave us all here on the right hand ocean. But you came through! Yay! I am sure 2012 will be a spectacular year for you (with a little help from Doppler) and ours will be special in one way because you are here. Best to you and your family in 2012.

  10. Geoff,
    I am one of the thousands who is very happy to see you on FoxCT. It’s wonderful to know you are very happy with them as FOX is with you. To be sure, 2011 started off in a bad way for you and your viewers too! However the year ends on a on real high for you — and your viewers as 2012 rolls in! As they say, What goes around, comes around – to your former employer! Happy to hear you and Helaine had a wonderful visit with your daughter! As parents of adult children, it’s always nice to see how well we raised our Children to become very responsible, caring, career focused adults! Its a job well done all around. Thanks again for continuing to be our Favorite Weatherman — even when the forecast is not so pleasant!
    Happy New Year!

  11. Geoff….it restored my faith in the goodness of people to see the support you received. A wrong to you was righted in the end. So happy to see your weather and special reports. I was truly afraid you would be lost to us here in CT. A very Happy New Year to you and your family!!!!

  12. Geoff so happy that you were able to stay on the air in Ct. I have switched to Fox news and don’t miss the other station at all. Happy New Year to you

  13. Geoff, I always enjoyed seeing you on the other channel, and I’m happy that you’re still in Connecticut. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  14. No one can keep a Good Man, down. You are an amazing person and the best weatherman. I also followed You to Fox…. Many Blessings for the New year, for You and Your Family!

  15. Happy New Year! Well written Geoff; I believe as most of your supporters and friends do that you are the best “weatherman” on TV! My Mom called me the other day and said “guess what?” she sounded so happy she told me “I saw Geoff Fox on TV!” She had finally found you on Fox! All the best in the coming year.

  16. Any company that becomes arrogant about the worth of their employees is doomed. WTNH has “jumped the shark” and they will bear the consequences. Geoff, you are a professional man with integrity who was treated badly. However, the way you’ve lived your life has led to this wonderful outcome. We just cheered you on, and now watch Fox61. May 2012 be a blessed and wonderful year for you!!

  17. Having a farm means I depend on a great weather report to keep me prepared for whats to come. I also have switched to watching you on Fox61 now. I find you entertaining and can always depend on your report being accurate! Thanks Geoff.

  18. Shear shock cannot even describe how your fans felt when that awful station let you go. You are a beloved part of CT and always will be. I am SO grateful that Fox saw what we all knew already, that weather, CT and Geoff Fox all go together. It is comforting to have you back where you belong! Happy New Year Geoff, Helaine and Doppler. May all your dreams come true!

  19. I’m happy that you are with FOXCT. I’m glad things have worked out for you. I’m enjoying your forecasts and segments. You’re awesome. Happy New Year to you and your family. All the best in 2012!

  20. Geoff,

    Your character is a great example of leadership and has shown how perseverance and confidence can lead to continued growth. It has been an interesting change for many I am sure, as I find my self forcefully changing the channel to avoid the your previous station. I was a strong follower of that station for at almost 30 years, and as all things go; “Change can be good.” If we all look to embrace and accept change with the dignity and courage as you, we may well have greater opportunities in our future. With deepest admiration I send you the warmest and prosperous New Year to you, your family and your new peers!

  21. A Giant ditto to all of the above comments….living in Florida has kept me out of the “letting you go” loop early in 2011, but have been following your blog for a few months now….had lived in Madison until 2000 and was always informed and entertained by your nightly reports…can’t count the number of times I smiled myself to sleep….glad you’re back!!! Best to you and your entire family in 2012….Always an admirer….

  22. You are a pleasure to listen to. You have an easy way about you that takes the camera in the middle right out of the picture. You “know your stuff,” and you have a great way of forecasting it.

  23. A very Happy New Year to you and your family, Geoff. Our response to your job loss was possibly a little selfish on our part but definitely in support of you. We enjoy your reporting the weather so much that we wanted you to stay somewhere here in CT. We were channel 8 people but turned to Fox because they had a 10:00 news, but when you came as “FOX ON FOX’ and at 10 we were totally pleased.
    So happy Fox knew a good man when they saw one.
    The other issue for me is that you are such an animal lover. I laughed so hard there were tears in my eyes when you recounted the story about you and Helene going out for pizza and you went out and bought a special camera. I don’t like leaving my animals either so I went out and brought home my cats sister! I don’t live far from you – less than a mile – you can leave Doppler here anytime!!

  24. I was stunned when I heard about WTNH’s decision to let you go (I have refused to watch them from that day on). I hope THEY learned something from their stupidity and short sightedness that you simply DON’T get rid of a well regarded personality just to bring in someone younger that fits better with their idea of what the ‘demographic’ is. Good thing that Fox was shrewd enough to see the opportunity to earn some brownie points with the viewers and swing a few away from a competitor in the process. Fox looks like a winner, ‘TNH looks like crap and we still get to enjoy your forecasts and humor. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  25. Fox on FOX ROCKS!!! Watch every night….FAITHFULLY!!! Love you and Rachael Frank….what a GREAT TEAM at FoxCT.

    Happy New Years!!

    you are in a better place!!

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