How Facebook And Twitter Differ For Me

twitter logoI use Twitter and Facebook differently. Facebook has conversations. Twitter is more a shout into the darkness.

I follow interesting people on Twitter. Some are funny. Some are profane. A few are silly.

Each describes himself in a self written mini bio.

Former shoe salesman now making a go at film and theater. Wish me luck…

Comedian, talk show host and ice road trucker. My tweets are real, and they’re spectacular.

Mr. Oswalt is a former wedding deejay from Northern Virginia.

Legend, Hat aficionado, Lady who Lunched

I like long walks on the beach…and then to be dragged through the sand by an off-road vehicle, and then hurled off a catapult.


Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD…

comedic person of some notoriety

Professional Pretender

Not all of them are active tweeters. I just like them in my eclectic mix. Clever people. The world in 140 characters.

Breaking news shows up on Twitter faster than any other source. That’s correct whether the rumor is true or false!

The response I get on Facebook dwarfs what I get from Twitter. Still learning.

One thought on “How Facebook And Twitter Differ For Me”

  1. I have both accounts but am definitely more active on Facebook that Twitter! I’ve very selective who I follow on Twitter because if I don’t watch out I’m reading the same post 4 times because everyone is sharing it! Which annoys me on Facebook when I follow people on both – which do I eliminate? their twitter or their facebook!?
    When my brain starts thinking in 140 characters I know I’m in trouble!

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