Smoke Is Scary

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Helaine called from the road. She wanted to tell me about the Silverado Canyon Fire. At eight miles distant, it’s far enough to not be a threat, but close enough to see. There’s a layer of dirty pink smoke to my northeast. The photo above shows the smoke plume rising well beyond the homes in my neighborhood.

30500 Silverado Canyon Rd   Google MapsIt’s a 200 acre brush fire in a steep walled canyon. There’s not a lot of wind today. I’m hoping firefighters knock it down quickly.

I can’t smell the smoke–we’ve already had a few of those in our fifteen months here. Seeing it rise is enough.

silverado-canyon-dropFox 11’s live chopper feed has been following tankers dropping water and flame retardant. From their 8,000 foot perch the blaze looks massive.

When you live in a place where rainy days are few and far between, fires are a natural worry. It’s all being brought home today.

5 thoughts on “Smoke Is Scary”

  1. Geoff,

    So, there are trade offs!! No snow for you anymore BUT a bissel forest fire jumps on the bandwagon!! So is there really a trade off? I suspect that you gained more than you lost! The seasons thing is a pretty nice adventure as it keeps track of time and events. But I suspect that you might counter with, “But who NEEDS snow?” It’s a reasonable question. But who needs a basic no change in climate year? I suppose that it’s breaks both ways! And I may be suffering from a slight case of jealousy!!!!

  2. I am sure you will be watching the situation closely. Stay safe.
    P.S. there probably is no “perfect” place but you are in a beautiful area of our country.

  3. As far as the “seasons “thing…

    As I’ve talked to people over the years, I think the consensus is that people like what I call “Seasons Lite” (lol). It seems many people like modest daily temps (say 40 to 85 F), and modest seasonal change (not Arizona style summer heat nor Michigan style winter cold/snow). I think the deserts of the southwestern USA are too hot/dry….and the upper northern tier from Montana eastward to the Midwest, Great Lakes, and upper/inland Northeast are just too cold/snowy.

    That’s what’s tough about here our climate here in coastal Connecticut/Long Island/New Jersey: In some years we get little snow that melts quick, and cool but not bitter cold weather, and the months from April through November are really nice. Then in some years… we get very cold temps and much more snow than normal. Those are the winters I pack a suitcase, gas up the SUV, and me and the wife flee to somewhere between Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and Key West, FL. Breaking up winter is the only way I can deal with it now.

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