David Carr

David Carr was a hero to me. He was a grown-up who got it. He was a loser who became a winner. He overcame it all at an age that’s the beginning of the end for most.

david carrI am immensely saddened by tonight’s loss of David Carr. No one understood media, especially new media, better than David Carr.

Like yesterday’s death of Bob Simon, David Carr died unexpectedly after a life of hair raising, death defying situations. He died in the New York Times newsroom. Carr had once careened through life as a hard core drug addict. His twins were born crack babies.

He was a loser who became a winner. David Carr was a hero to me. He was a grown-up who got it. He overcame it all at an age that’s the beginning of the end for most.

He was a Timesman–a shining example of why the New York Times is a treasure as much as a newspaper.

I never met David Carr, but this is still a personal loss to me. He touched me deeply. I am in shock at his death as I was in awe of his talent.

3 thoughts on “David Carr”

  1. My deepest condolences Geoff. When I heard about it, I too felt very sad. He is the third well known journalist to die this week. They say they come in groups of three and I just find it surreal when things like this happen. Who knows why, perhaps they are needed ‘upstairs’ to work on a big project in the afterlife. He, like Bob Simon, left a lasting impression here on earth and their work will live on in the history of journalistic accomplishments. He will be missed.

  2. everyone should read ‘me and my girls’, it’s a excerpt from his autobiography. he was so good he could even tell the truth about himself, that’s how good a reporter he was. great mind, wonderful writer. RIP

  3. “I now inhabit a life I don’t deserve, but we all walk this earth feeling we are frauds. The trick is to be grateful and hope the caper doesn’t end any time soon.” Mr Carr perfectly captured a feeling most of us have had but couldn’t describe.

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