Everything’s Relative

Friday, I spoke with Andy Bromage at the New Haven Advocate. He may be writing up my website attack tale of woe. It’s a complex technical story. I’m not sure how that will translate to the printed page.

Friday, I spoke with Andy Bromage at the New Haven Advocate. He may be writing up my website attack tale of woe. It’s a complex technical story. I’m not sure how that will translate to the printed page.

Meanwhile, I continue to watch as the number of spammy pages reporte4d by Google continues to diminish. It was over 333.000. It’s now down to 22,000.

22,000 is a lot of pages, yet it looks manageable now.

My website traffic has changed too. The “oops” page, which was catching all the folks looking for game cracks and porn, was receiving 80% of my traffic. It’s now around 10%.

Over the next month, Google should reevaluate who I am, by virtue of the pages on this blog. That should elevate my weight on those things I really am ‘expert’ on, weight now ascribed to my alleged expertise in the more sinister side of life.

Should and will are not the same word. I’ll continue to check.