How I Get Severe Weather Alerts

We have a cool feature at FoxCT Intercontinental Headquarters on Broad Street. They haven’t asked me to write about it, but it’s worth knowing so here goes.

Weather watches and warnings are issued by the Weather Service. They help put everyone on the same page

There are lots of ways to get them. I get mine from FoxCT as text messages to my cell. I’ve been using our service for nearly a year.

You choose which county or counties you want. That limits messages somewhat.

We have a cool feature at FoxCT Intercontinental Headquarters on Broad Street. They haven’t asked me to write about it, but it’s worth knowing so here goes.

Weather watches and warnings are issued by the Weather Service. They help put everyone on the same page

There are lots of ways to get them. I get mine from FoxCT as text messages to my cell. I’ve been using our service for nearly a year.

You choose which county or counties you want. That limits messages somewhat. Messages for you are received nearly instantly as watches and warnings are issued.

This is not for everyone. You get texts at any hour day or night.

If you still think it’s for you FoxCT offers this service at no charge, no strings attached. We’d like you to watch our fine TV station, but I openly offer this to our competitors who might be in need. We won’t know/care it’s you.

You have to scroll around halfway down the page until you see: “Sign Up For Severe Weather Text Alerts Here.”