Back To Work

I don’t want to say that I’m still in the vacation spirit, but I didn’t get to bed until around 5:15 this morning. Helaine was upset. I have to be careful because I do gravitate to later hours. She asked what I did in the 7 hours after she went to bed. The answer is…. OK – not much.

This afternoon, I went and drove Steffie to pick up her car. We had a little work done while we were away. Then, it was off to work.

It’s been a week and a half – yet nearly everyone is still here! Go figure.

I heard from a bunch of people that they had followed my vacation by reading the blog. The most common follow-up question concerned time – how much it took and why I was wasting it blogging while I was on vacation?

I don’t know.

I will not deny that blogging is a waste of time. There’s not much here that’s of any social importance. And yet, I am drawn to publish daily.

On the road the blog took somewhere close to an hour a day. The slow computer and number of photos I published added to the length. I never had any trouble coming up with something to write. The trip was full of experiences. I’m wondering if I’ll turn back to this record of my life, as I would with a diary, years from now?

It’s more likely a hard drive will crash and everything will be lost without a backup.

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