A Snowy Sigh of Relief

The snow is over and… thank heavens… it did what it was supposed to. Don’t get me wrong, my forecast wasn’t 100% correct, but it was pretty close.

If I would have been wrong my e-mailbox and voicemail would have been filled to overflowing. Some people give me no slack.

Last night, before I went to bed, I stuck my head out the front door and it was beautiful. The snow was pure and white. There were no tracks in the driveway. This ‘wet&#185’ snow adhered to the branches of our trees.

We have a pine tree that really gets loaded when it snows. Today it looked like the top was 5-6 feet offset from the trunk as the tree bowed toward the ground. Years ago I thought it might snap… but it hasn’t.

As I said, it was beautiful last night. Today reality set it. Roads were slick. Schools were canceled or delayed.

Steffie was scheduled to work today. Helaine drove her. I’m not sure it would be possible to dislike driving in the snow any more than Helaine does.

Later tonight, probably on my way home, ice will form. What looked so pretty overnight is starting to get to me. And of course that’s the problem with this winter weather. Looks are deceiving.

&#185 – I often talk about wet or dry snows. That’s an interesting use of descriptive terms for something made 100% of water!

One thought on “A Snowy Sigh of Relief”

  1. see this is why you’re a canny poker player. you assess the facts available. you make educated assumptions about the unknowable. and you have the balls to back your gut with a healthy bet. for everyone to see. it’s just a theory i’m working on.

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