Twenty One Years

As of 11:35 PM tonight I will have completed 21 years here at the TV station. That’s unreal.

On my way in the door on day one, if you would have told me 5 or 10 or 15 years, I never would have agreed. Twenty one is unfathomable. It’s a number that can’t be reached if it’s a conscious goal.

There is no one else on-the-air here who was on-the-air when I arrived.

It didn’t go in the blink of an eye. I certainly can feel the passage of time. Still, twenty goes faster than you might imagine.

I often wonder where my career would have gone if I had taken some of the opportunities presented to me early on? Maybe I should have been more aggressive is seeking out larger markets. There’s no guarantee of success, but that never scared me.

Would I have been happier in New York or Los Angeles? Would they have been more professionally satisfying? Would they have even wanted me?

After 21 years I’m sure I’m looked upon as a lifer. Though I have no place to go or overwhelming desire to go elsewhere, it’s just an uncomfortable label to wear. I don’t want my bosses to look at me that way. I don’t want to look at myself that way.

I’ve always thought there’s a career sweet spot, after which you should leave. Too soon and you look flighty and immature. Too long (like 21 years) and potential employers wonder what they’ve missed that everyone else saw. If he never made it out of New Haven after all this time, how good can he be?

I’ll take my 21st anniversary day off and be back Sunday night. Life goes on.

4 thoughts on “Twenty One Years”

  1. Congratulations on 21 years. There’s nothing wrong with staying somewhere for a long time. I taught 25 years in the same classroom! You’ll know when it’s time to leave–at least I did. Meanwhile, here’s to another 21.

  2. Geoff,

    WTNH would just not be the same without you. I remember when you were doing the weekends for GMA, and we held our breath that you wouldn’t leave us for greener pastures. Don’t look at it as an opportunity missed, but as an indication that you are truly valued.

  3. Over the past 21 years, through good times and bad, you’ve always treated your job, your employer and your viewers with respect. That’s just how you are…you can’t do it any other way. I’m proud to be your wife and your biggest fan. I love you very much!

  4. weatherdawg,

    i was gonna ask you how the wife and daughter felt about such a long and steady career. but helaine made that quite eloquently clear. there’s a lot to be said for getting it right and for the long haul. woulda,coulda, shoulda is for badly played hands (and only as an educational tool) you are the king in these parts. isn’t it nice being king?

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