Foxes First Law Of Getting Fired

I’m a big fan of Amanda Congdon at Rocketboom. Rocketboom is a vlog or video blog.

Rocketboom is probably the most successful of the few vlogs that exist. Amanda is the major reason for that. She is very telegenic&#185 – the ‘it’ factor.

I don’t always remember the specific content (which is often worthless minutiae), but I do remember Amanda’s ‘mugging’ for the camera between items. She’s got great timing and a witty comedic sense.

After a week featuring ‘guest hosts’ and the claim Amanda was on vacation, word came today that Amanda is gone. She said she was fired. Andrew, the producer said she left.

I wish it would have been left a that.

This evening Amanda violated “Fox’s First Law of Getting Fired.” She discussed it on her blog and tried to explain and justify her actions while questioning the actions of her former producer.

Amanda, don’t. It’s that simple.

Sometimes relationships don’t work out. It can be a relationship like a marriage or a business relationship, which is what this was. No one needs to be at fault. No one needs to be the evil player. Stuff just happens.

When you defend your side after a relationship dissolves, it always seems like sour grapes. It always seems self serving. It never helps.

A friend of mine was just fired from a TV job. I told her, when she applies for another job, it’s OK to say she was fired, but stop there. Why she was fired is inconsequential and saying anything about it will make her look at fault. Take the high road. Silence is golden.

I hope Amanda does well. I’m sure she will. But right now, I’m afraid a pissing match is about to begin… and everyone involved will get wet.

&#185 – Amanda is very pretty, but telegenic is not the same as pretty. You can be one without the other, and there are loads of examples you see every day.

Being telegenic means you present a persona to the camera that people want to spend time with. You seem friendly, inviting, charming… you get the idea. In the long run, telegenic is much more valuable than pretty.

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