Some Good Weather News

I know a lot of people love winter. Not in the Fox house. We like it hot.

Every year about this time, with her fear of driving when the tires no longer feel it necessary to grip the road increasing, Helaine begins to curse the cold… curse the early darkness… curse the snow… curse winter.

I’m with her.

Stef had no choice but to grow up with this mindset as well. It’s all she’s heard from birth. She too is a warm weather fan.

So, Stef and Helaine and anyone else who dreads winter. I’ve got good news. From a historical perspective, the worst of the winter is over!

The graph at the top of this entry plots the average daily temperature at New Haven, CT. As of today, it’s climbing. We are getting warmer.

Helaine looked and smiled. Then she looked again.

“It takes too long,” she said, but she wasn’t really complaining. Anything good is worth waiting for.

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