I Love Email

When you look a little closer at the spelling, punctuation and grammar, you have to feel bad. It’s a person who has been let down by life. She understands, the only way she’ll be perceived as successful is if everyone else fails.

I am naturally thin skinned. I can dish it out, but I can’t take it. However, over time I have become better with emails like this:

Comments:: Hey geoff,

We love your wig!! goes really well with the darker hair on the side. And your not in hollywood as you think you might be with your goofy smiles constantly- Hang it up man!!! We refuse to watch because of you.

The fact that it’s my own hair and hair color is inconsequential. This person was only interested in hurting me. She&#185 was looking for what she perceived as weakness. This was her best shot.

When you look a little closer at the spelling, punctuation and grammar, you have to feel bad. It’s a person who has been let down by life. She understands, the only way she’ll be perceived as successful is if everyone else fails.

It’s actually sad.

&#185 – The email was signed “Nicole.” It’s the Internet. Who knows for sure.

6 thoughts on “I Love Email”

  1. “When you look a little closer at the spelling, punctuation and grammar, you have to feel bad. It’s a person who has been let down by life.”

    Excellent point!

    I think someone who has enough time on their hands to be that attentive to your hair has a bit too much time on their hands.

    It’s a weather report…I personally could care less what you look like, I just want to know what you have to say!

  2. For someone who refuses to watch you, she seems to have observed and opined an awful lot – I bet she watches you 5pm thru 6:30, 10 and 11 on BOTH stations, EVERY night. And after all that, the only accurate observation she made was which part of the country you AREN’T in.

    This kind of person is uninteresting, even less so than the chuckle-head critics on that other weather-related site/forum who think they know more than you about weather.

  3. I don’t know about you, Geoff, but I find it uplifting to be insulted by functional illiterates. Hate mail with bad spelling and third-grade punctuation (multiple exclamation points are the best!) always put a spring in my step. It’s as if someone is trying to prove that morons hate me.

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