Gmail Problem. Slow/No Login. I Forgot. I Depend On This!

Screenshot.jpgOMFG! Gmail… dear sweet dependable Gmail is having problems.

I first signed on with my laptop and waited. Finally the connection times out. I’m upstairs now, on the Linux machine I use as a DVR. It’s not much better.

We’re aware that a subset of users are reporting seeing Temporary Error (502) on logging in. We’re investigating the issue and will keep you updated on this thread. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Gmail Guide

A full paragraph and yet, no real information contained! Nice. That’s a skill. If there was smoke coming from the Gmail server with my account, would they tell me?

I depend on Gmail. It is the aggregation point for all my email accounts (admittedly, too many). I am going through some sort of Gmail withdrawal at the moment. This is what heroin users feel, right?

This must be a small subset, because I’ve seen nothing from anyone else posted. Maybe they’ve all just crawled in a corner.

4 thoughts on “Gmail Problem. Slow/No Login. I Forgot. I Depend On This!”

  1. Use the HTML link at the bottom of the page- I have been having trouble with it all weekend, but the html version is working for me.

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