Stef And The Dinosaur

I don’t know which is scarier, that they’re sold as pet replacements or the they might actually be used as pet replacements!

My daughter is 21. You would think by now I could predict her response in nearly any situation. I can’t! It’s a little frustrating, but I deal with it.

Stef will often ask, “Did you bring home a pony,” when she sees me. It’s possible she thinks I’ll surprise her with one some day. Then, last week, as a joke, I asked if she wanted one of these… and showed her a Pleo (pictured – left).

“Pleo’s natural disposition is alert and inquisitive. He ambles about with a bright eye, swaying tail, and leisurely pace, content to explore the sights, sounds, shapes, and textures of his world—and that, of course, includes you.” – Pleoworld website

Yeah, they’re implying this little scaly dino-roboto acts if it were real. I don’t know which is scarier, that they’re sold as pet replacements or that they might actually be used as pet replacements!

Now Stef has become obsessed. “Let me show you this,” she said this late evening as she quickly entered a Youtube search. Within a few seconds we were in Sea World with a Pleo.

She’s seen a bunch of Pleo videos (and even more videos of puppies). Youtube is an enabler to the chronically obsessed. No matter what your weakness… your weird fetish, Youtube has more videos than you’ll ever want to see.

I hope it keeps her happy.

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