I Can’t Take The Lying

Somewhere along the line news has turned into uncensored propaganda. Who’s served by that?

The presidential campaign is getting ugly. Obama and McCain are both slinging mud. OK–I think McCain is slinging more, but it really doesn’t matter. He’s way behind and sees no other way. I can’t justify that, but I almost understand his frustration.

Here’s the part I can’t take anymore–the lying by surrogates! Uhhh… guys… sometimes even your candidate’s shit stinks. No one’s perfect. Not even your guy.

Why must you reframe the argument or not even bother answering whenever it suits you? Do you think we don’t see?

These surrogates would be nowhere with their enablers–mostly (but not totally) the cable news networks with their voracious appetite for content. Notice I didn’t say good or bad content, just content! If the cablers would start making the surrogates answer for the words coming out of their mouths this would stop.. or at least it would slow down–I’ll take what I can get.

Somewhere along the line news has turned into uncensored propaganda. Who’s served by that?

One thought on “I Can’t Take The Lying”

  1. I agree except don’t just blame it on the cable networks. The traditional networks are just as bad if not worse. And its hard to make the surrogates answer for their propaganda when the networks don’t have to answer for their own.

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