Photography At Lake Watrous

I ended up shooting 45 images–meaning 15 shots each bracketed with three separate exposures.

Lake Watrous Sunset

I spent most of today indoors. I woke up late–even for me and then spent time on the phone helping Stef (more on that later). Around 4:00 PM I looked out the window. The sky was 2/3 covered with cumulus clouds.

I picked up “Clicky,” a bag of lenses and my tripod and headed to Lake Watrous, about 10 minutes from here.

As the Sun goes down the cumulus clouds disappear. My window of opportunity was short. I parked right along the northern shore of the lake pointing south.

I shot specifically for HDR post-processing. My shots were bracketed one f-stop below the indicated optimal exposure. I wanted to be sure the sky would darken enough to see detail. In a properly exposed shot I’d see the trees and a burned out sky or the sky with detail and the silhouette from the trees.

I ended up shooting 45 images–meaning 15 shots each bracketed with three separate exposures.

The farther I get along in photography the less likely I am to get a good shot by just pulling out my camera and snapping away.

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