Saturday Night Live Scores

Without writing there is no performance.

I know I’m a little late with this, but I’m just now getting to watch last night’s Saturday Night Live. This might be the funniest episode of the last decade!

Paul Rudd was the host. I enjoy his work, but I wouldn’t have gone out of my way to watch just because he was hosting. He was great–excellent timing and willing to give it up for the show. Justin Timberlake did an unexpected piece during Weekend Update. Everything I said about Paul Rudd applies.

The real star was the writing. Without writing there is no performance.

It will be repeated–catch it.

2 thoughts on “Saturday Night Live Scores”

  1. It was great. My wife and I laughed our butts off.

    Justin Timberlake is very talented. He can dance, he can sing, he is funny, he can ad lib. And he’s a hell of a golfer. An all around entertainer.

  2. Entirely agreed. The show demonstrated that it is actually good again, even after the political season. Rudd was pitch perfect. One guy I think is underrated is Will Forte. The range of the cast (which also does much of the writing) is amazing. Give Lorne Michaels credit. Think about how different Armisen, Wiig, Thompson, Samberg, Hammond et al are. And not to forget Hader, who is quite versatile. Did you notice that the new players last week didn’t seem to make it on the air? Wonder what happened…

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