Roxie’s Jaws Of Steel

Basically, if Roxie is out of my sight I have to find her. If she is where I can see her I have to count my fingers.


Helaine is out. Stef is at work. Roxie is my responsibility right now. She will run me ragged!

At 13 weeks Roxie is a baby. She is teething. No, actually she is TEETHING!!!

We have lots of toys, but none seems as appetizing as the forbidden fruit of furniture, fringe, wires, clothing and flesh.

She is a carnivore–we’re the carnivore’s dilemma!

Roxie has drawn blood from all of us. Nothing major. Just tiny skin pricks.

She doesn’t mean harm but her teeth seem more suited to a shark than doxie.

The way it works is if Roxie is out of my sight I have to find her. If she is where I can see her I have to count my fingers. It’s exhausting. She may be a puppy, but I’m an adult dog–pant, pant, pant.

We have another three or four months to go before teething stops.

4 thoughts on “Roxie’s Jaws Of Steel”

  1. We used Bitter Apple Spray from the pet store to curb our pups chewing during teething. We did it sparingly but it worked well. Have you checked with your vet to see if they recommend anything like that? It might help!

  2. As far as we can tell Roxie seems to like Bitter Apple’s minty taste. It doesn’t stop her.

    She’s teething. We’ll just put up with it as best we can which means supervision for the next few months,

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