The Southwest Seat Assignment Game

I am not the only one playing this game. I’ve been astounded to check in seconds after the process opened and still be close to fifty back!

Thumbnail image for mh_logo_southwest.gif12:29… tic… tic… tic. I’m about to play the Southwest Airlines boarding pass game.

Tomorrow’s our wedding anniversary (and Thanksgiving) and we’re heading west to the sun.

For the three of us to sit together we need to get at least one “A” boarding pass. That one person holds the row for the other two. Southwest hands the passes out beginning 24 hours before the flight–exactly.

I am not the only one playing this game. I’ve been astounded to check in seconds after the process opened and still be close to fifty back! There are some reserved for their most frequent fliers, but not that many.

Not that I’m complaining. By using this method Southwest makes seat assignment a skill position.

Gotta go. Six minutes left.

Update: A31, A51, A54. I hit the enter key at exactly 12:40 PM. We’re guaranteed to fly together. Not bad.

5 thoughts on “The Southwest Seat Assignment Game”

  1. Yeah, but don’t you just love Southwest?? They make everything easy for us and don’t require that we give them our firstborn in exchange for a ticket. Only airline I’ll use to fly domestic. Before they came to PVD and Bradley, I used to drive from Clinton to Baltimore just for the satisfaction of not having to pay those high prices the other airlines charge. Well worth the trip. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Have a great trip!

  2. Geoff, policy allows a party of two to board with the lower numbered pass, I’d guess that extends to three. And you did well getting #31, as the first 30 are the reserved spots.

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