Progress Update On My Dad

You have no idea how ecstatic we are over my father’s progress. Every sign says his surgery was a complete success–probably beyond his and our greatest expectations.

Thumbnail image for harold-showgirls-large1.jpgYou have no idea how ecstatic we are over my father’s progress. Every sign says his surgery was a complete success–probably beyond his and our greatest expectations.

He has readjusted the screen resolution and font size on his computer’s monitor.

“I didn’t know it was blue,” he said while talking about the screen background color. Until earlier this week, he thought was black! Improved eyesight means more than just seeing objects.

Even better, a friend lent him a book and he’s begun to read it. Reading books had been out of the question.

It was nice that his friend had a large print book… except it wasn’t. The change is so surprising… so radical… that he never imagined he’d read normal type again. He does!

4 thoughts on “Progress Update On My Dad”

  1. Hello, Geoff…

    Great news re: your father. I worked with Harold for a few years when he was at CUC Int’l in the Tel-Shop area. He was my manager and, in fact, I’d transferred a couple of your phone calls to him (LOL). Please let Harold know how great it is to know he’s doing well and that I said “Hello”. It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen him. Will keep him in my prayers. Be well…Calvin Jarvis, Jr.

  2. Hi Geoff… So happy about your dad. Have been following his progress and praying for him since you posted his surgery… Please give him my best and tell him he has been my inspiration. I’ve been putting off getting my eyes tested for too long and think this is a sign I should make my appointment…

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