There’s A Boatload I Don’t Know

It’s going to be a long night. There’s a boatload I don’t know and will only learn while banging my head against the wall!

Helaine and Stef are in California. I am in Connecticut. Actually, the more important “I am” sentence would be: I am in pajamas! This is a day at the computer hacking code.

If you’ve been following along you know I’ve become somewhat obsessed with changing my website–moving it from Moveabletype to WordPress and updating the look. A few weeks ago the job was 85% done. Then I did a design for a friend’s blog and the idea of designing from scratch became appealing.

Designing from scratch is a term with a multitude of definitions. If you’re a woodworker do you have to grow the trees too? In this case too scratch doesn’t start at zero but reasonably far down the chain. I am using 960BC with provides the minimal link between WordPress and the 960 Grid System.

For me this has become a methodical process. I’ve installed a small server and database manager on my PC. That allows me to do all my work locally without moving files to and from the remote server the project will end on. It also forces me to follow proper procedures in keeping the code ‘server agnostic.’

If I code for this server, instead of any server, the website will break when I move it to its final home.

It’s going to be a long night. There’s a boatload I don’t know and will only learn while banging my head against the wall!

One thought on “There’s A Boatload I Don’t Know”

  1. Actually, it sounds like you’re having a ball. RTFM’ing can be fun, when you are learning a lot. I chose to move my website from a Quark based design to MS Publisher last year, so I could control it myself, and it was a PITA but well worth it. I learned a lot about design, had some fun with the headaches, and now it is mine. Partially inspired by your blog, this weekend I’m building a pico-itx box to run as a mini-server, and this will be my first foray into Linux.

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