I Am The Plumber

By this point Jim was probably calculating what I’ll be paying a real plumber after I screw this up!

During dinner I took a quick run into Home Depot. Marcus, wearing his signature orange apron, stopped me right away to see if he could help.


It was a no hesitation answer.

“But I’m not sure I can explain what I need.”

That’s probably not the best way to begin solving your bathroom sink problems. He escorted me to Jim, the plumbing expert. I began to explain, but mostly with hand gestures and sign language.

“You know the stopper in the bathroom sink?” I began.

I was looking for the horizontal rod that connects the thing you push down with the thing that pops up. By this point Jim was probably calculating what I’ll be paying a real plumber after I screw this up!

Amazingly enough I was able to explain with enough specificity that Jim reached onto a shelf and pulled out a yellow package labeled “SINK REPAIR.”


Holy crap–he knew.

The end of the old “Ball Rod Assembly” had sheared off after 20+ years on the job. Now it’s my turn to replace it.

I am not what you’d call handy, but I think this is a job I can do. Helaine will be standing by with 9-1 already pre-dialed.

2 thoughts on “I Am The Plumber”

  1. Mr Fox,
    No need to panic,
    They still have the good old fashioned plugs we grew up with, the plugs with the chains.. 😀

  2. Lefty loosy

    Righty tighty…

    But you have to remember that the nut you are taking loose is on the opposite side of the drain pipe…

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