My Blog’s Seventh Anniversary

I have pounded out 4,255 additional posts. You have commented 6,838 times! I’ve lost track on my pages read but it’s well over 3,000,000 now.

On July 4, 2003 this blog appeared for the first time. It was a disjointed seven sentence entry.

Since then I have pounded out 4,255 additional posts. You have commented 6,838 times! I’ve lost track on my pages read but it’s well over 3,000,000 now.

Though the home page gets the most action, with over four thousand entries in Google much of the blog’s traffic is from people stumbling upon things I wrote years ago. Yesterday I received two new comments on an entry about 60s comedian London Lee! The original post was written in 2006.

My friend Peter Sachs helped set up my blog on day one. It was run on MovableType which was considered the premiere blogging platform. Now it runs on WordPress today’s premiere blogging platform.

I haven’t yet moved to WP Version 3. I’m scared of breaking it! Blogs are more fragile than they should be.

I try and blog every day. The last time I missed was years ago when I was in Las Vegas and sick enough to have a doctor make a house call to my hotel room!

There have been days when my entry wasn’t posted until a few minutes before midnight. Maybe I shouldn’t write when the only reason I’m writing is because I said I would?

I always try and tell the truth, but this blog isn’t the whole truth. I sometimes leave out things like private family matters, work related issues and anything embarrassing about a friend or relative.

I write to be read. I genuinely appreciate the fact you’re reading this.

Thanks for stopping by.

3 thoughts on “My Blog’s Seventh Anniversary”

  1. Like my morning cup of Tea, You always start my day. Though I don’t always agree with what you say, I appreciate that you don’t try to shove your opinion down our throats. I look forward to reading about your life for a long time.

    Big John

  2. Hi Geoff –

    Hope your’e enjoying the weekend! Question – was this warm, late winter and spring – and now warm summer – due to that El Nino we had heard about during thr winter?? thanks Don

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