Two Very Unusual Facebook Posts

This is the story of two Facebook posts that moved across my wall a few minutes ago. They’re from a woman who’s my Facebook friend, but who I don’t know. I’d seen some sad posts from here earlier

Sometimes I just don’t quite know what to do. This is the story of two Facebook posts that moved across my wall a few minutes ago. They’re from a woman who’s my Facebook friend whom I don’t know. I saw some sad posts from here then this:

Alone crying n ready to do somethng so rash once done can never b reversed.. sorry to those hurt along the way..

As I was looking wondering what if anything to do another post scrolled by. She’d added two new friends!

Not as depressed as outward appearances show? Seriously, this doesn’t seem like friend adding time.

I did send her an email.

Don’t know you, but reading your wall. You OK?

Twenty minutes later there’s no response.

I have over 3,000 Facebook most of whom I really don’t know. It’s late on Saturday night. People are in various stages of impairment, but posting away. Most likely everything’s OK.

Around 30 minutes after my original posting I got an email reply.

Kind of you to check on me.. i guess a good hard cry and sleep makes things better? dunno will find out

I suggested she stay with friends.

3 thoughts on “Two Very Unusual Facebook Posts”

  1. Sometimes friends are the reason we cry. Someone like myself, I rely heavily on friends. My family is there but never like my friends have been. I have one best friend whom I consider my sister. I know I can knock on her door any time (except if she’s just fallen asleep at 8am…) but anyways…I often post a lot on facebook to either avoid feelings, confront my thoughts, for humor, and to be myself in the presence of electronic friendships. You had every right to be concerned. I saved a friend of mine’s life once over AIM conversations in High School. Better to have asked and give advice of encouragement then to have remained silent and to read of her passing. The guilt of not having said anything might just eat at you. It would for me.

  2. the notifications that indicate someone has added friends aren’t listed in any particular order, btw. Not with respect to a timeline. She didn’t necessarily add the friends after writing that post.

    (If you look for them on your own page and then look again, they can move around.)

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