Late Night In Blue Diamond, NV (photo)

It was very dark. The sky was moonless. Las Vegas was behind a ridge.

After dinner Max, Michael and I hopped into the car and headed out into the cold November air. Las Vegas was clear with the temperature sliding into the mid-20&#176s! We were looking for dark and scenic.

Scenic’s easy. We found dark much more difficult.

Past Red Rock Canyon we kept driving west through scrub wilderness. This is government land. It is mostly unused. More on that later.

We stopped near Blue Diamond. That’s a tiny place off the highway that’s off the highway way out in the boonies.

I set my tripod and pointed toward what looked like rugged buttes. It was very dark. The sky was moonless. Las Vegas was behind a ridge.

There will be more later, but here’s what the camera saw. That is significantly more than the eye saw! This is a long exposure with more to come.

Oh… almost forgot. While I was standing with Max near the camera we were startled by a loud, troubled wail. It was a nearby animal. The sound was every distinctive.

“What’s that?” Max asked.

It was a burro! This government land is loaded with burros.

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