I’m Not Home To Tell People To Stay In Theirs!

I brought a sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries and, of course, a change of clothes.

Frightful? Delightful? Whatever! It’s a snowy day in Connecticut and there’s a lot more to come.

The blizzard warnings that first flew yesterday are still up. No blizzard conditions yet. That will have to wait until later tonight.

Meanwhile the computer models which are built without access to my inherent trepidation continue to stay-the-course. Heavy snow. Strong winds. Dangerous conditions. They are all still-to-come.

If anything it’s good news today is Sunday. Most people can stay where they are even if they’re just visiting.

I came to work loaded for bear! Helaine packed food and coffee and snacks. I brought a sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries and, of course, a change of clothes.

Now we wait.

In Philadelphia the Eagles game has been postponed until Tuesday. I understand why it was done, but am still surprised. Isn’t the NFL supposed to be an all-weather league? What about other teams that have played in brutal conditions already this season?

When the heaviest snow does materialize my job will be to reassure and assess. There’s no school and few folks working. It’s tough to think anyone will be surprised by this storm. There will be an insatiable appetite to hear about it!

3 thoughts on “I’m Not Home To Tell People To Stay In Theirs!”

  1. Hubby is working in New Haven until 10:30. He THINKS he’s driving home tonight. I don’t think I’ll see him til tomorrow!

  2. I’m just not wanting to lose power!!! I can deal with it (lots of down and neighbor with fireplace) but my parents are sick and in their 80s…

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