I See Signs Of Spring (photos)

There are trees out front including a few flowering trees. They’re flowering!

Today was forecast to reach 70&#176. That’s not going to happen! Clouds are here. A few rainy days will follow. Ugh!

I was feeling pretty down about the whole scenario until I walked past the front door. There are trees out front including a few flowering trees. They’re flowering!

We’ve still got a long way to go before all the leaves are out and spring’s brightest colors appear. This is a good start.

12 thoughts on “I See Signs Of Spring (photos)”

  1. I have daffodils blooming in my front yard! (Old Saybrook) Normally I would be clearing the garden of leaves and debris, but with these constant chilly temps; I have decided to leave well enough alone for the time being! My weeping willow is budding, and in fact so are my seasonal allergies. Quite frankly after the winter we have had, I say…bring it on!

  2. I could be wrong, but that looks like witch hazel on the top. They have a lot of it on the Yale campus, tucked into courtyards that become “heat sinks” in the winter sun. I’ve seen in bloom in February some years or March… or April, depending on the variety and the location.

    If this is not witch hazel, I am going to have to shoot myself!!! Well, actually not. Here’s a photo link. It looks similar… and all of these plants have and trees have been hybridized for different colors. It looks as if the photo is the original wild version of the tree. (Or that shooting metaphor will pop into my head again.)


    The one on the bottom I am very sure is Pieris Japonica, also known as Japanese Pieris. It’s flowering now. In the winter, when it’s not flowering, I use it to with other evergreens to make wreaths. I even cut pieces of it and poke them into the brass swirls on my dining room chandelier (bulbs set on a dimmer and not left unattended.)

    Here’s the photo link: http://hcs.osu.edu/hcs/tmi/plantlist/pi_onica.html

  3. Pieris japonica is the shrub’s latin name. Andromeda, Lily of the Valley Shrub,and Japenese Pieris are some of the common names. The genus name Andromeda refers to a related plant, native to eastern bogs that is more difficult to grow in the garden.

    1. I took the name “Andromeda” out of my post, because Ohio State University, known for its botany dept. didn’t use “Andromeda” on its web page.

      Shudda listened to myself. Or waited for Jeff’s plant friend Dennis to post. Oh! that was you!

      Thank you for setting us straight!

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