Hey Business People This Upsets Me

I called three times, finally threatening to cut off my service. It was only then I got a response.

Hi business people. Hope you’re doing well. I understand from John Boehner you’re the jobs engine of our country. Cool beans!

There is one thing you do that really upsets me. Can we talk?

If you can’t service my account please don’t tell me how busy you are… how behind you are… how inundated you are. I know there was a hurricane. I saw it on TV.

Until you give me a buzz (and a discount) when you’re doing well I don’t need to hear when you’re swamped. That shouldn’t be my problem.

I will spare you the details, but a service we use wasn’t working correctly. I called three times, finally threatening to cut off my service. It was only then I got a response. My earlier calls weren’t even returned by this company that gets my cash on a regular monthly basis!

It’s all settled now and the company has stepped up and taken responsibility for their actions, but why did it come to this? Didn’t they realize they had already run the count to strike two?

3 thoughts on “Hey Business People This Upsets Me”

  1. Ha, best line of the week “I know there was a hurricane. I saw it on TV.”. Very funny.
    Regarding hiring, I call this the “fear factor” economy. Businesses aren’t hiring because they can frighten their current staff into lots of unpaid OT because they’re desperate to remain employed. 🙁

  2. It could be worse. I was responsible for my companies telecommunications at one time and one of the larger companies kept billing us for lines we no longer had. Eventually, when we wouldn’t pay, they called and threatened to cut us off, I said,”Please!”

  3. The one thing we need to get back to in business is making the customer number one again. With out us, there is no business or profit.

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