Yes, We Have No Bananas… Actually No Strawberries

Talk about stranger in a strange land, I walked in through the exit. Then I had to ask where the carts were (outside adjacent to the door I should have used to get inside).

Helaine asked if I could head to the supermarket on my dinner break. Nothing special. She wanted strawberries, bananas and dishwashing liquid. Am I really the person you want at the grocery store?

Talk about stranger in a strange land, I walked in through the exit. Then I had to ask where the carts were (outside adjacent to the door I should have used to get inside). Instead I picked up one of the plastic baskets used by shoppers with short lists!

I like my bananas nearly ripe. Everything on display was green. I got the least green bunch of the bunch. Disappointment.

I looked for strawberries, but there were none visible. I asked a man working in the produce department where they were? He displayed the kind of anguish employees normally reserve for each other when discussing the boss’s shortcomings. He told me my eyes weren’t lying.

Exactly how many different type of Dawn dishwashing liquid do we need? Don’t they understand choices like this… choices with no right or wrong answer… only serve to slow me down?

The woman behind me in the checkout line was buying a live lobster. Maybe he ate the strawberries?

8 thoughts on “Yes, We Have No Bananas… Actually No Strawberries”

  1. Geoff, I know this sounds weird, but what exactly did you photograph? I don’t know what I’m looking at and whatever it is, doesn’t look good.

  2. lol… I thought the critter in the picture snagged the strawberries… lol… yeah, I don’t usually send hubby to the grocery store either…

  3. Don’t know where you shop, Geoff. Stop & Shop had plenty of Driscoll Strawberries over the weekend. That’s here in Naugatuck. I hope you at least bought some frozen strawberries.

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