Tomorrow’s Groundhog Day

With Groundhog Day tomorrow I thought I’d write about Punxsutawney Phil.

I write a small column (a columnette?) every day in the Hartford Courant. It appears on Page 2 with the weather maps. It’s just 75 words, which is the challenge. It’s tough to have a beginning, middle and end in that tiny a space.

With Groundhog Day tomorrow I thought I’d write about Punxsutawney Phil.

It’s Groundhog Day. Maybe you’re happy, but I don’t appreciate seeing a rodent do my job! I expect mostly cloudy skies in Punxsutawney as Phil is hoisted by the scruff of his neck to look for his shadow (and possibly Bill Murray). That doesn’t seem to make a difference. Phil’s seen his shadow 99 of the last 115 years! A federal agency analyzed Phil’s forecast. “No predictive skill,” they say. Or, more succinctly, he’s a rodent!

9 thoughts on “Tomorrow’s Groundhog Day”

  1. How about a new tradition? “Spring” being determined by whether or not Doppler sees her shadow? Definitely cuter than Phil – and she has better connections.

  2. Phil see’s his shadow its six more weeks of winter, If Phil dosn’t see his shadow It’s six weeks to spring.

  3. I guess I’d be a little cranky too, if I was expected to report seriously on this .
    But, cultural icons are just that, and groundhog day, if not any specific rodent, has that status. I’m OK with that. Weather will happen regardless!

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