Doppler’s Latest Photoshoot

I appreciate that you indulge me and look at the photos I take. Photography is satisfying to me. Maybe I’m a little obsessive.

Having Doppler has greatly increased my photo ops. She’s always available!

I took the photos posted here this afternoon and tonight.

I appreciate that you indulge me and look at the photos I take. Photography is satisfying to me. Maybe I’m a little obsessive.

Having Doppler has greatly increased my photo ops. She’s always available!

I took the photos posted here this afternoon and tonight.

Helaine had just made the bed. Doppler was relaxing on it. The sky was dull gray, but bright enough to fill the room with soft light.

All these shots have shallow depth-of-field. That makes what’s in focus pop. The background is very soft and blurry.

The files I work with are immense. Each photo produces a file around 25mb! Everything has to go through Bridge then Photoshop before it’s ready to be posted.

Fifteen shots this afternoon. Four shots tonight. Here are the three keepers.

18 thoughts on “Doppler’s Latest Photoshoot”

  1. She’s precious — and I believe she wants for nothing. She’s living a true Rescue Success Story… and we LOVE seeing her! Keep the pics coming!!!

  2. Doppler would win every/any pet photo contest!! I melt every time I see her photo. I love that you indulge us with new ones…..we all love each one of them!!

  3. We are not indulging you; you are indulging us! Doppler is gorgeous and your photographic talents bring out every speck of it!! She loves the camera. To paraphrase, “Mr. Fox, I’m ready for my closeup!”

  4. Geoff, will you do the usual ‘how I took the photos’ post, too? I’d love to know how you did the depth of field shot. I’m still trying to figure out my digital camera.

    1. The secret to shallow depth-of-field isn’t really a secret. You need to use a fast lens and open it wide (low f/stop snumber). The top two shots are with a 70-200mm f/2.8 and the bottom is a 30mm f/1.4. In the bottom picture you can see how quickly the afghan and even Doppler’s more distant fur go soft/blurry. The f/1.4 lens is more difficult to use because if you focus on her nose her eyes are out of focus! I always try to get the eyes sharp.

  5. Adorable! I wish I could make my little cutie sit still long enough to take her picture. She always just comes out a blur in any photo I take of her!

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