I Am Not Unhappy About Romney’s Choice

OK — three paragraphs in. Why am I elevating someone I’d never vote for and with whom I disagree so deeply? Ryan, finally, makes the conservative agenda understandable… and once their philosophy is understood I suspect many people will recoil.

If Congressman Ryan makes Governor Romney’s campaign attractive they deserve to win.

Congratulations to the Republican Party on picking Congressman Paul Ryan to be Mitt Romney’s running mate for Vice President. I’m not being facetious. This was a smart choice and he is a smart man.

If you’ve ever heard Congressman Ryan speak you know he’s bright and articulate. He passionately believes in the right-of-center philosophy he espouses. In this era of politicians who turn with the wind that’s remarkable as well as refreshing.

Conservatives are thrilled! Congressman Ryan hasn’t always been in lockstep, but he’s been consistent when it counts.

OK — three paragraphs in. Why am I elevating someone I’d never vote for and with whom I disagree so deeply? Ryan, finally, makes the conservative agenda understandable… and once their philosophy is understood I suspect many people will recoil.

If Congressman Ryan makes Governor Romney’s campaign attractive they deserve to win. Most likely conservatives will discover what Democrats have learned, America is a nation that wants to be governed from the center.

It’s about time for Americans to (hopefully) get a clear and well differentiated choice.

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