Doppler Is Endlessly Adorable

I had all sorts of plans for Doppler when we brought her home. Fail! I never even attempted to train her.

Why bother? Doppler came from the pound with all the skills we desired. She was cute. She was sweet. She was photogenic.

I just took a few more photos of Doppler. She was up on the couch. I was nearby with a borrowed lens. Any excuse.

Doppler is endlessly adorable!

Her birthday is coming up. We don’t actually know November 18 is Doppler’s birthday. We adopted it when we adopted her. We’ll say she’s five. That’s a guess too.

I had all sorts of plans for Doppler when we brought her home. Fail! I never even attempted to train her.

Why bother? Doppler came from the pound with all the skills we desired. She was cute. She was sweet. She was photogenic.

OK, that last ‘skill’ wasn’t as important to Helaine as it was to me. Doppler has been photographed hundreds, maybe thousands of times. She never disappoints.

Because I write about and photograph Doppler so often people just assume she’s ‘my’ dog. Truth is, she gravitates toward Helaine who provides the bulk of her care. That’s a good thing too.

I hope she enjoys being here as much as we enjoy having her. If she ever hires a photo agent I’m screwed.

7 thoughts on “Doppler Is Endlessly Adorable”

  1. They always like the person whe feeds ’em. However, a little spoiling from the other parent goes a long way, too. They are no dummies!!!

  2. You are right, Doppler is endlessly adorable (she may not be quite as cute as my guy) and we always enjoy the photos/videos.

  3. I’m the main feeder and walker for our Wally yet he is my husband’s shadow! After 2 months he is warming up to me and our son a little more every day (he’s even sitting in my lap now at night!)
    We had a training session for him after 1 month but then decided he was still getting settled in – he understands basic commands (come, stay, sit) and that’s good enough for us!

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