The Perfect Dog


“She’s polite,” I said to Helaine this evening while explaining Doppler’s last trip outside.

img_4402-11102012doppler the shag rugDoppler was sleeping on the sofa. I was watching TV.

She got up, walked over and climbed vertically up my chest. She was perfectly positioned to lick my face. This is her way of telling me she’s got to go.

We walked to the front door. As I picked up her leash I realized its little reel of plastic bags was empty.

There was a minute or so of busy work to get more bags and put them in their enclosure. I looked down. Doppler was at my side, her head up, her butt down. Motionless. Waiting. Patient.

Doppler get her hair cut-IMG_7897-05272012-h700We took her shopping this afternoon. Doppler rode along in a travel bag. She didn’t balk. She didn’t kvetch. She was glad to go with us.

Good dog.

She is every bit the good dog her photos portray!

This is the one thing Helaine and I still have trouble believing. She is amazingly sweet and endearingly cooperative. She is a go along, get along companion.

She doesn’t even shed. That would be out of character!

We really did luck out when we rescued Doppler. She did OK too.

8 thoughts on “The Perfect Dog”

  1. OMG that is priceless. One of our dogs acts the same exact way. We rescued 2 dogs and think we have benefited just as much as them if not more. 🙂

  2. Love the picture of Doppler on your chest! That’s definitely “getting in your face”. Thanks to Helaine for the pic. Your last two sentences say it all. I feel the same way about guy (also a rescue).

  3. Great photo! Rescue animals often make the best pets because they KNOW what it’s like to be without a home and hunrgy, cold and lonely. They know how lucky they are to have a home and food every day.
    I picked up my oldest cat as a starving flea covered kitten over 14 years ago, She had to spend 3 days at the vets ICU before she was able to come home (and I spent months paying that off I can tell you!). But she has been one of the sweetest pets I ever had. My 11 year old was dumped near my apartment building almost 10 years ago. She’s sleeping on the desk right now.
    The two kittens (actually 1 year olds) were never on the street but their mom was. They started life in a big cage in the garage but at least they were sheltered and fed. They’re now sleeping in the window.
    Yep rescue pets are the best. Doppler is definitely a gem.

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