Lasers Over The New Haven Green

It’s New Haven’s 375th. I know, it doesn’t look a day over 280.

The fireworks for the 350th anniversary were very cool. For 375 it’s a laser show. There was no way I wasn’t go to shoot this.

Foolishly I thought I could just drive to Quinnipiac’s York Hill campus, with its commanding view of New Haven, and watch from there. Nope. The lasers aren’t pointed up, they’re pointed south. QU had a blocked view.

Plan B! I headed downtown, carrying my camera, camera bag with lenses and a tripod to the middle of the Green.

The lasers are definitely there. They’re tough to miss.

What they’re not is awe inspiring, like the finale of that fireworks show 25 years ago.

Here are a few of my better shots. They’ve all been shrunk to fit in this column. Click for a larger view.



2 thoughts on “Lasers Over The New Haven Green”

  1. My wife and I saw it from a hill here in West Haven. We were driving back from the grocery store when I noticed the bright greenish beam. (It looked like a single beam from our vantage point.) I pulled the car over, and we watched for a little less than a minute. That was enough time to figure out that the laser wasn’t moving, so we continued driving home. It was cool to see it and all, but we were both like, “OK, big deal.” 😉

  2. From the way it was advertised, you’d think that the beams were going to fan out over the harbor. So on Friday night my wife and I drove out to Lighthouse Park hoping to get a shot of the lights over the city and maybe a reflection over the water. Nope…we couldn’t see them at all from there. We ended up getting a couple of shots from the Wilbur Cross parking lot with the beams overhead. All in all, very disappointing!

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