It’s Sunday And The Dog Is In A Bag


We had an “Open House” today. Our real estate agent came by with additional signs and balloons so anyone driving down our quiet cul-de-sac would know. Home shoppers were encouraged to just drop in.

The last thing a home buyers wants to see is the home owner! We get it.

The “Open House” was 1-3 PM. We needed to evacuate. First we needed to clean.

Helaine and I are grown-ups. The place doesn’t get that dirty. Still, there’s a different standard for potential buyers. We want to show the house in its best possible light. Buyers expect no less.

Where to go? We needed to kill at least two hours with Doppler in tow. And the weather sucked!

“Moderate drizzle,” I said to Helaine as we pulled into the lot at Ikea on Long Wharf.

Drizzle has to do with drop size, not intensity. The automated observer at Tweed/New Haven reported it as Light Rain/Fog/Mist.

Doppler is quite an amazing dog. She rode on Helaine’s lap in the car, then transitioned into her stylish camo bag. She was not thrilled putting all four paws in, but she didn’t fight it. She was a quiet and passive observer as we walked through the store.

In situations like this, Doppler makes herself as close to invisible as a white dog in an over-the-shoulder camo bag can be. Most people walk by without knowing she’s there. Really.

Our trip today is another part of the moving process. We get a chance to redecorate. At the moment we’re just looking–trying to define our combined taste. No buying yet.

It’s easy to kill a few hours at Ikea. We waited for the all clear before returning home.

We’ve lived 23 years in this house. If we could only bring it with us. That would make things so much easier. We’re going to miss this house.

4 thoughts on “It’s Sunday And The Dog Is In A Bag”

  1. Yes, its sad to leave a house full of memories. Few people nowadays have homes where they have lived in through many life events – early marriage, births, holidays, death and so on. Fewer still are those who can visit their parent’s homes that have seen such events for many years. I’ve been thinking about my Aunt’s house. When I was a kid, the 17 yr Cicada’s (sp?) came. I happened to be there 17 yrs later and then again, when her son was baptizing his firstborn. He since moved and his daughter is graduating from high school and the cicada’s are here..but none of us are there to see them. Homes hold so much..watching trees grow, the arrival of the same birds or their offspring, those daffodils that bloom year after year. Your imprint will be left on your home. Be sure to bid it a loving farewell.

  2. Try living 52 yrs in the same home then have to leave because taxes are so high you can no longer afford to stay! It’s frightening and depressing even though it is a new opportunity to do things like redecorate but when it’s all you know and can’t afford to stay in the same area it is hell.

  3. In contrast to the real estate agents’ mantra, I would prefer to have the homeowner present when I look at a house. I can ask the important questions and get real answers … or at least I can look them in the eye to see if I am getting the real answers. RE agents want too much control … make too much commission for relatively little work … they love the smoke and mirrors. Would prefer to meet the seller, at the very least, and buy directly from them, if possible. Just my $0.02.

    1. I think people are a little reticent to speak freely when the person who painted, decorated, etc. the house is present. I understand.

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