Life In Irvine: They Shoot Soccer Players, Don’t They?


We live next door to a family with three kids. We couldn’t have picked a nicer family as neighbors.

The boys are bright and curious. The daughter hugged me today. It’s win-win-win.

The oldest son plays in a soccer league. His dad coaches. I asked if I could shoot some photos?

Oh, I remember these days with Stef. Saturday mornings in the park, though it was seldom this sunny or warm.

Irvine’s Oak Creek Community Park has four well worn, but still mostly green, soccer fields. League play was in progress. There are lights in this and many public parks. Evening games are common year-round.

Barely enough kids today. No subs. If you played, you played it all!

Eight is a very good age. Here’s a little of the action.

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2 thoughts on “Life In Irvine: They Shoot Soccer Players, Don’t They?”

  1. I have millions of pictures of my son and nephew playing football through the years. I enjoyed watching the game through the lens to get the “perfect shot”

  2. Geoff,
    I know this question will compare with looking for a needle in the haystack—but if you ever come across a family with the last name of ‘Sawai’—ask them if there is a Jane(Fuji) or Steve in the family. I worked with a nurse at Children’s Hosp. LA and kept up correspondence for many years. Lost it after I got married when J’s brother in Hawaii stopped communicating with me—. Like I said—above—but crazier things have happened. Maybe if I ever get on FAcebook!

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