Why Politics And Politicians Suck

There are loads of ways to disagree without making foolish claims like this, which no one should take at face value. You don’t take them at face value, do you?

put kids first.jpg-large

I follow the GOP on Twitter. They posted this today:

GOP 2:30pm via Sprinklr
Harry Reid supports trapping kids in failing schools. gop.cm/6013cjeB Tell him: Give #schoolchoice a vote. pic.twitter.com/3fKzIMyFva

As with many issues Republicans and Democrats disagree. But does anyone actually think “Harry Reid supports trapping kids in failing schools?” It’s a ridiculous claim.

Why do politicians throw Molotov cocktails at each other? Where is civil discourse?

It’s this kind of inflammatory rhetoric on both sides that keeps anything from being accomplished. Sentences like this make compromise or any kind of reasonable achievement nearly impossible.

There are loads of ways to disagree without making foolish claims like this, which no one should take at face value. You don’t take them at face value, do you?

Blogger’s note: I chose this Republican tweet as a demonstration, but if you have a similar Democratic claim, please include it in the comments. This crap is, unfortunately, bipartisan.

5 thoughts on “Why Politics And Politicians Suck”

  1. It IS very unfortunate, Geoff. And for that example only, it’s why the Republicans can make hay and have it spread like wildfire. The Democrats turn around and do the same thing to. Stagnation – it stinks…

  2. Hey it’s like being in grade school, only they never outgrew the name calling and mud slinging. Probably never will. it cracks me up when i see these ridiculous claims being flung around.

  3. The problem is that there ARE people who will believe this. I watched a video yesterday about a reporter who interviewed 9 people asking them if Bainer should be fired because of a racist comment he made about not liking Mexican food! And all but ONE said yes. Only one guy said it was absurd that someone who doesn’t like Mexican food should be labeled a racist.. ONE… this was a made up scenario by the reporter, but all the people interviewed heard was the reporters use of the word racist. People just don’t listen and I think many are easily swayed even by seemingly foolish claims.

  4. If anyone has an illusion that people will or will not believe this kind of crap just look at any number of articles on Snopes.com. As I told their editors once, it’s not scary that such outlandish thing are being spread, what’s scary is that so many people (including people whom you’d think would know better)BELIEVE them.
    And that’s what some politicians are counting on. They put out some outlandish blurb and hope that people will believe it, NOT look beyond the surface and vote the way they want them too and all too often it works.

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