Atlanta – Terminal C


We’re on our way to Florida.  My mom`s funeral is tomorrow morning.  This will be a very quick trip.  We’ll be in Florida around 17 hours.

LAX to ATL was a breeze.  There were 60 empty seats.  Helaine, Stef and I each had a row.  We went horizontal.  We slept.

Our flight to Ft. Lauderdale is still an hour away.  We won`t hit the hotel before midnight.

I am sitting at one of those long narrow charging tables you find in airports.  I’m on stool facing out toward the passing crowd.  Good for people watching.

I`ve already spotted a woman with tattoos going around the circumference of her legs at thigh height.

We had burgers at Five Guys.  No peanuts on the floor at the airport?  No peanuts in Georgia?  Sacrelig!

It`s a changeable time of year.  Coats.  Shorts.  Everything in between.  The terminal`s air conditioning is dialed in somewhere close to absolute zero.

My sister says my dad made the trip OK, though he’s tired.  He`ll need all his strength tomorrow.

2 thoughts on “Atlanta – Terminal C”

  1. Thinking of all of you at this time, which can be rough. Seeing people who knew and loved your mom is a positive, though. It is after the funeral that brings that “THUD!”

    Glad you Dad made the trip okay. Thinking particularly of him. Sending love to all.

  2. My condolences to you and your family. Losing a mother is never easy, but realizing that she is now at peace makes it much easier.

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