The Brits Have It Right

Does anyone really know where any candidate stands yet? Do the candidates even know? It’s a complex job. No one can ad lib their way in.


First an admission. I watch too much cable news. Much too much.

The cable news channels are thrilled candidates have declared for November 2016’s presidential election. They have something to talk about, guaranteed!

There’s all sorts of talk about polls and strategy. Who cares? It’s too soon.

Right now all I’m hearing are Republicans talking about Hillary Clinton’s weaknesses and Dems saying the same about the Republicans. It’s just noise.

Does anyone really know where any candidate stands yet? Do the candidates even know? It’s a complex job. No one can ad lib their way in.

By the time all is said and done billions will have been spent. Billions. My mind has been boggled.

Maybe Great Britain has a better way of doing things. Their election season lasts 30 days.

Sure there’s a little cheating before the official start, but 30 days sounds much more civilized than our 18 months of throwing mud against the wall to see what sticks.

5 thoughts on “The Brits Have It Right”

  1. I, also agree. And after they spend all that money what do we, the peons, have to show for it? And when they have slung all the mud, etc. we still won’t know their plans or hopes for making and keeping America the proud nation we once were. What good is it to make voting mandatory, if in the end, there are no good choices.

  2. I would love it if we would adopt something similar. The months and years of campaigning drive people to not care anymore, which is probably one reason they don’t go out and vote. The negative campaigning also makes me crazy. Don’t tell me how bad your opponent is – tell me what YOU’RE going to do to improve things.

  3. I also agree. Over there you don’t have this year and a half of chaos and stupidity we have here. I’m also sick of the constant negativity our campaigns are rife with. Before she even declared the GOP was attacking Hillary, as they’ve done for over 20 years. Stop telling us how bad everyone else is and leave religion out of it (running America via Biblical law is just as bad as running it by any other religious law).

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