Back To School

Jessie teaches 4th grade in Milwaukee. Her class of 30 is comprised mostly of Inner City kids with hearing and speech disabilities. We made arrangements for me to visit today via Skype.


My niece, Jessie, sent a text message Wednesday.

Hi! My class is talking about droughts, so I brought up your neighborhood. They have sooooo many questions. Would you be willing to skype with us sometime this week?

Jessie teaches 4th grade in Milwaukee. Her class of 30 is comprised mostly of Inner City kids with hearing and speech disabilities. We made arrangements for me to visit today via Skype.

I loaded a few graphs and charts into my computer, threw on my headphones and double clicked Skype. A few minutes later I was in the classroom. A translator stood next to the monitor signing everything I said for those who needed it.

IMG_1523I never know quite how much young kids can ingest. They got something from it. They have more now than when they went to school today.

It was very rewarding to me. These are kids who’ve been dealt mainly bad cards. They are disadvantaged in nearly every way. Maybe I could make a small difference.

After my talk I had time to take questions. Just as if I was in the room with them I looked for hands and called them out. God, it felt good in every way.

IMG_1526My niece’s job is very difficult and often thankless. She lives in a state where teachers have been shown a great deal of professional disrespect.

Teachers are saints. We often trust them to be the best, or only, good influence in a child’s life. I am proud of Jessie.

Thanks for letting me join you today.

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