Like Out Of The Movies

A car accident. It unfolded like it was out of the movies. From here it sounded like it took an eternity. A few seconds later sirens started to wail. I walked out the door and onto the street. Too many hills. The sound was echoing from every direction.

I was out on the patio when I heard it from the near distance. A car accident. It unfolded like it was out of the movies. From here it sounded like it took an eternity.

Thirty seconds of silence followed before the sirens started to wail. I walked out the door and onto the street. Too many hills. The sound was echoing from every direction.

It’s 2016, I thought. The Internet must have a solution, so I googled “Live Fire Department Scanner.” Thirty seconds later I was listening in on the Orange County Fire Authority’s frequency.

When a fireman told dispatch the Mercy Air flight was five minutes from my neighborhood elementary school I picked up my camera, got in the car and drove there.

Because of my post-op restrictions I took just one lens, a 300mm F/4. In retrospect I should have taken something shorter and faster. Live and learn.






3 thoughts on “Like Out Of The Movies”

  1. Good morning Geoff. I enjoy your blog and updates but have wondered lately if you’ve changed something with your font or color? It seems smaller and gray rather than black type? At first I thought it was my phone but realized it’s the same from my computer – both email and facebook. Obviously I’m not a techie, is it just me, or did you change something?
    On another note, your dad is a sweetie and your health, a concern. Your details are fascinating. You and your family are in my thoughts & prayers regularly. Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. Excellent Report! It brought back memory of
    Ruth Lockwood of News-Times, who photographed
    and reported accidents accurately – something
    not seen often enough in media today.

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