So Your Cancer Will Never Come Back?

Debby asks a good question. Will my cancer come back? The simple answer is, maybe. Unlike some other forms of cancer that are ‘helped’ along by environmental factors like smoking or air pollution, pancreatic cancer is more a question of luck. For whatever reason my body knows the formula to make pancreatic cancer cells.

The lasers are used to make sure I am in exactly the same piosition every time.

I am cancer free. My surgeons removed all that was seen. No cancer markers have been found in my blood. I’ve done chemo and now radiation to put out any embers which might have been missed.

My cancer treatment is definitely belt plus suspenders. It is very thorough.

Debby asks a good question. Will my cancer come back?

The simple answer is, maybe. Unlike some other forms of cancer that are ‘helped’ along by environmental factors like smoking or air pollution, pancreatic cancer is more a question of luck. For whatever reason my body knows the formula to make pancreatic cancer cells. It is as capable of making them today as it was last year (though I only have half my original pancreas left after Whipple surgery).

This means my relationship with my oncologist will run til the end of time! I won’t be getting treatment, but I will be getting my blood tested and having scans taken on a regular basis.

If my pancan does come back we should see it early enough to beat it down again. At least that’s the theory.

6 thoughts on “So Your Cancer Will Never Come Back?”

    1. My mom had breast cancer. There is no history of pancreatic cancer. From what I’ve read it’s very random. There is no way to even tell who is more likely to develop it.

  1. You should take cannabis oil. It didn’t help my husband, but it does help many, many CA patients. It can’t hurt. It will also help you put some weight on your bones.

  2. Heard about you on Bob and Sheri….then found your blog…loved reading about your triumph with pancan.. my husband was diagnosed in October…trying to learn everything I can about beating this..wishing you continued great health and success!

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