Broken Glasses

CLICK TO READ MORE: It has become uncomfortable to read for any length of time. I’m typing this with my laptop actually serving as a kneetop. Adding distance helps.

New glasses

My glasses broke a few days ago. A quick scramble found an old pair. I was hoping they’d be fine. They are not.

First the good news about my eyes: they’re good. That’s no small thing. Part of the collateral damage from cancer was becoming a diabetic. Diabetes can take a toll on your eyes, but my ophthalmologist just cut me back from visiting every six moths to once a year.

I wear progressives, correcting both near and far. My vision has remained pretty steady but this pair probably made the trip from Connecticut. Old prescription.

It has become uncomfortable to read for any length of time. I’m typing this with my laptop actually serving as a kneetop. Adding distance helps.

Trying on glasses in augmented reality.

I’ve got a muscle ache near my right eye as it tries to focus.

On top of this eyesight is one thing I’m crazed about. It’s really important for me to see sharply especially with all my screen time.

In the short term there’s not much I can do. New glasses are on-the-way. I shopped online with H. We both agreed to stick with something similar to what I wear.

I now know my pupillary distance!

A status report after they arrive.

3 thoughts on “Broken Glasses”

  1. Geoff Sorry about the glasses, especially sorry about the diabetes connection. Lost mine for a month and had to rely on an old pair. When mine turned up, I felt like a miracle had occured! Vision IS imortant, and yes, probably moreso for you than for me. Just know that you remain in prayers and be assured that we still miss you so in CT. As much as I love Ann(e?) but can’t stomach the weather at night… As noted you’re missed. Hope the family is well.

    (Ravenswood lady)

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