That Door Quote

I understand the sentiment and I’m particularly pleased you’re using it considering the source.

My blog which averages 1,100-1,200 page views a day has gone nuts these past two weeks. Sunday brought 12,000 views, Monday around 10,000. Last week I had one day well over 20,000!

Comments have exploded too. You’ve sent forty since 5:00 PM.

You have been uniformly kind trying to cheer me up&#185 often relaying stories or uplifting quotes. There’s one that’s been posted hundreds of times between the blog and Facebook. There are two variations:

When one door closes another opens.

When one door closes a window opens.

Either way I understand the sentiment and I’m particularly pleased you’re using it considering the source. The quote comes from Alexander Graham Bell who actually set up his first telephone exchange in New Haven back in 1878.

Here’s the full quote:

When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. – Alexander Graham Bell

Bell is saying even in defeat opportunities exist, but first you’ve got to move on.

I wish I knew the context? This quote is always attributed to Bell but the circumstances surrounding it aren’t. He invented the telephone. I didn’t realize he was a philosopher.

Actually researching the quote was a good idea because it led to one more Bell quote… allegedly his last words.

So little done, so much to do.

Ain’t it the truth.

&#185 – It’s worked! I’m feeling great. You’re the reason.