Larry Sanders

There are a few shows I regularly record on the DVR. One, and the first show I’m likely to watch, is The Larry Sanders Show.

I never did watch this when it was first run on HBO… we didn’t get HBO. I’m sorry I didn’t and glad it’s available now.

My favorite character is not Larry, though I am a big Gary Shandling fan. I’m much more interested in Rip Torn’s, “Artie.”

Artie or Arthur is the producer of the show. He is my fantasy boss. His only concern is the success of the show, and if that means hand holding or coddling – he does. But, there’s never any thought that he’s weak or a less in charge because of that.

Rip Torn is perfect in the part. I wonder how much of it is based on Freddie DeCordova, Johnny Carson’s producer?

Like I said, this is a fantasy, not reality. I don’t expect this to ever happen to me. And, though I’d like to be, I never expect to be as pivotal to a show I’m on as Larry Sanders is to his.