Oh My Aching Back

I have no idea what went wrong. It just sort of happened! Maybe it was while I worked in the garden Thursday afternoon. Who knows?

My back is killing me. This is day three. It’s a little better than it was yesterday. That’s the right direction.

I’d say I don’t complain, but Helaine would stand up, walk over and slug me!

“I can board a plane first now,” I said while stuffing a heating pad between me and the sofa. Infirmity has some upside I suppose.

Meanwhile I have no idea what went wrong. It just sort of happened! Maybe it was while I worked in the garden Thursday afternoon. Who knows?

“Your posture has gotten better,” Helaine noted.

Yes, because I’m scared to do anything but stand totally erect! Actually I’m only a West Point cadet from the waist up. Down south my body is contorted with every step.

There’s something going on tomorrow I’d like to photograph. If my back’s a little better I’m there. If not another day of not complaining and pre-boarding begins.