I Love Leftovers

“We should start a leftover restaurant,” I said. “We’d cook it fresh then serve it the next day or maybe the day after that.”

A few days ago Helaine made turkey bolognese sauce which she served over whole wheat pasta. It was delish and there were leftovers. Perfect.

That kept me from being too disappointed when our dinner plans fell apart. There was bolognese waiting. Tonight it was even more delish!

I suspect the additional time is why leftovers always seem more infused with taste. In many cases leftovers beat the original meal.

“We should start a leftover restaurant,” I said to Helaine. “We’d cook it fresh then serve it the next day or maybe the day after that.”

She looked at me. It was that look only wives can give husbands.

OK, it’s a stupid idea for a restaurant. If it was a good idea there’d already be a chain called “Leftovers.” Everyone wants fresh food… or do they?

Leftovers are the unspoken bonus that comes with a home cooked meal.