My Biz Goes Through More Changes

This business is changing rapidly. TV was once a business of glamour and high salaries. No more.

Local news continues to change. At dinner tonight Ann asked if I’d heard Len Berman was let go at WNBC in New York?

Wow. He’s really good. Is talent that unimportant? Stations would love to believe (and who will stop them) that we on-air types are interchangeable. Commodity anchors are cheaper.

chuck-scarborough.pngNow Gawker speculates (with a denial from WNBC) Chuck Scarborough is on his way out! I can’t imagine a station being more identified with a single talent than Channel 4 and Chuck.

I’ll call him Chuck though we’ve never met.

This business is changing rapidly. TV was once a business of glamour and high salaries. No more. Chuck Scarborough is rumored to earn $3m, Len Berman $1m. Those days are gone. This is not “bank error in your favor” time.